Friday, August 7, 2009

Sausage and a Movie

Dear Tia Fia-

B and I have an unspoken rule that we sit down to dinner. I get home first and start preparing and when he gets home it's about ready and so he sets the table. Usually it's so late in the evening we both clean up. We are both really comfortable with this routine, maybe because we both grew up with it, but for whatever the reason, we keep to it.

This week though we've had to register our DBA as Hotel de D. We've had so many friends in and out of the apartment, plus free media passes to Lollapalooza, invites to private rock shows, and just a hell of alot of booze. It's been such a fun and overwhelming week that the only thing we can do is pull out our folding chairs, pretend they are t.v. trays, download a movie, and make one of the easiest meals ever.

Bratwurst Sausage with Sauerkraut

The bratwurst gets thrown in a pan with half an inch of water and when the water has evaporated you then turn the heat up a little and brown all sides of the sausage.

The sauerkraut comes in a jar and gets dumped into a pot with a little chicken stock and alot of caraway seeds. Usually by the time the sausage is done the sauerkraut has been warmed through.

I like to put mustard on this, but some people like onions or granny smith apples.

Anyway, Chicago has almost had its 6 weeks of summer so things are about to calm down for us. I hear your parents are visiting soon. Do you have to cook meals for them or do y'all get taken out the whole time? I hope its the latter.

Write back. I can't wait to hear from you.

Tia Tay

P.S. I'll have pictures soon. I just need to get my hands on this usb cord for the camera.

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