Sunday, September 27, 2009

World Travel

Dear Tia Fia-
How was Austin? Where did you go- Polvos, Magnolia Cafe for the Mag Mud, Guero's for the margaritas? My mom was thrilled that y'all went to visit her; she told me she had so much fun playing with the baby.

B and I are preparing for our trip to California tomorrow morning. Somehow he agreed to pack the bags while I wrote this letter. I think he hopes that in return I can calm down and maybe wrangle some of my free-floating anxiety into submission.

I love to travel, but I have a hard time believing things will go smoothly. It is my strongly held personal belief that if I do not wake up in the same bed, at the same time, drink coffee from the same cup, touch my nose to the glass table a certain way when the cat meows that my life will going spinning out of control. These life-out-of-control fears cover a broad spectrum. Ranging from the mundane to the fantastic, each worry has an explicit daymare to illustrate the havoc or sadness it would bring to my life. The following concerns have all found me in the last 24 hours:

1. Fire. The cat leaps onto the stove, accidentally turns it on, and then runs around the house in fear lighting furniture on fire with its tail.
2. The plane will crash.
3. I will lose my job because they didn't actually take me off the schedule.
4. Pretty Girl Earl (who has alot of hairballs) will choke while we aren't here and we will not be able to save her.
5. Somehow that fantastic meal I ate out will cause me to bloat so much that I won't be able to wear any of the clothes I brought for the trip and I'll have to run to Wal-Mart for a sweatsuit.
6. Our apartment will be burglarized. (This one doesn't bother me much- we don't have anything to steal.)

There you go. I'm completely normal. Right? So with all these worries, I don't have much brain space to plan meals- meaning, this evening found me staring at 2 lone chicken breasts, frozen peas, a box of macaroni and cheese, a tomato and a cucumber. Put it all together and what do you get?

YUM. Kinda.

Gotta go. It's late and we've got an early flight. I can't wait to hear about Austin.

Tia Tay

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