Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Dear Tia Fia-
Your chocolate cake looked amazing. If I'd been at your apartment you would've had to physically restrain me as I took an intentional nosedive straight into it- then I would've sucked down that whip cream with a huge straw and asked for more. Seriously, Valentines at my house was much more staid- no alcohol, no chocolate, and only a little whip cream. Pregnant Tia Tay doesn't get treats- which is why it's slipped my mind to give up something for Lent. I keep meaning to check the rule book- are pregnant women required to participate? I'm kinda like the Virgin Mary, o.k. not the virgin part, but I am a woman and knocked up. Also, some religious groups on the internet refer to the gestation period as "doing God's work". Do I really have to do anything else?

I mean really; I have nothing else to sacrifice. I spurned multiple boyfriends when I met B, cigarettes (I haven't had one in over 2 years!) when we moved to Chicago, and now with the pregnancy I don't drink the wine, vodka or margaritas I love or eat sugar. What's left? I try to replace the aforementioned with expensive beauty supplies, but the brown sugar kumquat body scrub I got the other day just didn't do the trick. Beauty products just take energy to use and that energy has been on the Much Needed list for the last 4 months. Furthermore, I LOVE a buzz- be it from alcohol or sugar.

I could abstain from complaints, but I'm not ready to give up what I consider a temporary pass to grumble about everything from the way my feet feel to the way E. Bean kicks my cervix in the middle of the night. Also, I just had to purchase a belly bra (more to come on that one) and it's too easy of target to give up voluntarily. I mean if you had to eat like this:

everyday; what would you do?

Let me know. Love you .

Tia Tay

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